
Meet Catalin, Level 99 Tech Wizard, with high primary skills in Ruby on Rails, Docker, AWS. He enjoys reading about world's history, solving puzzles, assembling small replicas and playing video games.

His guild includes a wonderful wife and two nasty children, being guarded by two fierceful dogs.

Motto / favorite quote

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs

Let's go through Catalin's leveling path

He started as Freelancer in 2006 and contributed to various web development projects and iOS applications, working with McDonald's US, Stylitics.com, National Theatre of Bucharest, JTI Romania, Mazda Romania and Tiriac Auto.

In 2013 he joined the 2Parale.ro Raid where, as a Lead Developer, he contributed extensively to its completion. He used his skills in Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, RSpec, MySQL, Objective-C to develop a product feed parser and creating an iOS application.

After this succesful endeavor, he teamed up with Intuo.io, where he played a pivotal role as a Lead Developer, pushing the platform through several seeding rounds. He facilitated migration from Single Tenant Architecture to Multi Tenant Architecture, using his skills and tools of the trade.

In early of 2015 he went exploring Switzerland, where he joined Deindeal.ch as a Senior Software Engineer. He migrated the database layer from MongoDB to PostgreSQL as well as unifying the mobile and desktop shopping cart for a seamless user experience.

In the Winter of 2015, he joined 2Performant.com for a new epic journey that will last for more than 7 years. He took the role of Tech Lead and later, DevOps Engineer. He oversaw infrastructure migration from Metal to AWS Cloud, redesigned Monolithic Platforms into Microservices, improved test coverage with RSpec, mentored teams of 5-9 members and implemented robust development flows.

With his adventure coming close to an end in Europe, he looked over the ocean and in 2018 he joined ThoughtWorks as a Senior Software Engineer. He worked on multiple projects involving his primary skills and also started leveling other secondary skills like Typescript, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, Go, Python.

He battled familiar enemies like Application Migration from Monolith to Microservices and Architecture Redesign from Single Tenant to Multi Tenant.

While wandering in North American teritory, in 2022 he answered the call from Toptal and joined as a Senior Software Engineer in the Core team.

In 2023 he started thinkering with Unreal Engine, Unity and Pixel Art, creating small games and learning the ropes of game development. He's very passionate about bringing fantasy worlds to life through immersive gameplay experiences.
